Radio troUBle Playlist / March 14, 2023 Monkey Mash-Up Birthday *SPECIAL* with Wertz & Pinecone on DFM Radio Int'l > each hour, the players spin the wheel 4 times to select a sound genre... every 20 minutes, the wheel spins... new selections, new mash-up... the sound genres: slow voice melody sound fx troUBle drone fast voice (instructional) kitsch nature spin no. 1: pxe: melody pinecone: beats wertz: melody dAs: drone spin no. 2: pinecone: voice pxe: melody dAs: troUBle wertz: beats spin no. 3: dAs: fast pinecone: troUBle pxe: sound fx wertz: troUBle spin no. 4: wertz: drone pxe: sound fx dAs: troUBle pinecone: drone spin no. 5: pxe: voice pinecone: voice (instructional) dAs: voice (instructional) wertz: drone spin no. 6: dAs: troUBle pxe: sound fx pinecone: troUBle wertz: melody spin no. 7: dAs: beats pinecone: melody pxe: slow wertz: nature